Why isn’t there more research that demonstrates how effective Vision Therapy is?
There are actually thousands of reports, studies and articles on the efficacy of vision therapy period Research on medications has the support of drug Manufacturers. companies. The incentive for the drug manufacturer to support studies is to make more money selling the drug. Vision Therapy is drugless, and therefore has little funding. Studies are expensive. Researchers need to get paid. They must gather subjects, pay statisticians and write the papers. This all comes at a considerable cost.
Studies supported by the National Eye Institute, such as the CITT study, demonstrated that convergence insufficiency is best treated though office-based vision therapy rather than home-based vision therapy. It also concluded that pencil push-ups don’t work and that Base-In prism doesn’t work to solve convergence insufficiency..
What do I have to lose by just waiting and seeing if other therapies, such as occupational or physical therapy work?
Time and frustration. As time passes, a child may fall further and further behind in school. This then adds to their frustration and at times, an unwillingness to even try. This can also affect the parents because they too become frustrated and need to invest more time to help the child. Ultimately, this can affect the family dynamic. An adult may not be able to function as well and this may affect earning potential.
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